Short Term Gain - Long Term Loss
Remote and Online Lessons
1925 Gustav Fedor Heberlein Jr. German Violin - Stunningly Beautiful!
Krutz Strings
Home of the Lifetime Trade-Up
How to keep kids practicing through the summer
Upright Basses now in stock from $899!
Amazing addition to our Allegro family
A Poet’s Premier – Student Lights National Christmas Tree
Concert Review: 2Cellos at the Moda Center 2/7/2019
6 Mental Benefits Of Playing The Violin For Children (Backed By Science)
Upright Basses All Sizes in stock from $899!
Home of the Lifetime Trade-Up
A Poet’s Premier – Student Lights National Christmas Tree
Concert Review: 2Cellos at the Moda Center 2/7/2019
Allegro Violin Gift Certificates – a great gift idea.
Performance Opportunities for Upcoming East/West Classical Music “Fusian” Concert
How to keep kids practicing through the summer
Why is a Cello not like a Toaster Oven?
The Little Shop That Could