I wanted to do a shout out to the Voices for the Performing Arts Foundation in Sherwood, Oregon. The VPA foundation exists to promote the arts through grants, scholarships and various performance programs in the community. The VPA fields Seven youth choirs, an adult community choir, a musical theater program and a orchestra/strings program. Their community-based orchestra program serves 4th-12th grade students at beginning, intermediate and advanced levels for violin, viola, cello and bass instruments and since no auditions are required no child is rejected. The VPA Strings Program is directed by Anna Trobaugh, who is a violinist with the Oregon Pro Arte Chamber Orchestra, the leader of a several music ensembles and a local public school orchestra director. The VPA strings program is an outstanding close-to-home option for students who wish to have an orchestra experience. Beginning Strings is a 45 minute class for students with little to no experience (1-2 years). Intermediate Strings is a 60 minute class for students with 2-4 years experience. Advanced Orchestra is a 75 minute class for students with 3 years plus experience. Kudos to this great grass-roots organization that exists to bring the joy of creating art to the local community and especially to children. For more information contact:
Polly Doyel VPA Strings Manager/Volunteer www.vpafoundation.org polly.doyel@vpafoundation.org